Columbia University Joins the Council on Foreign Relations to Offer Unique Fellowship Program in Global Economics
from Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies

Columbia University Joins the Council on Foreign Relations to Offer Unique Fellowship Program in Global Economics

May 1, 2003 3:37 pm (EST)

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Dual Focus in Foreign Policy and Economics Key to Shaping Effective Future Policymakers, World Leaders

May 1, 2003 - Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), its Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Council on Foreign Relations’ Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies announce new graduate student fellowships to train the next generation of policymakers in a combined program of economics and foreign policy.

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Top world affairs experts Jeffrey D. Sachs, director of Columbia’s Earth Institute, Lisa Anderson, dean of SIPA and Leslie H. Gelb, president of the Council, will coordinate the program, which is open to all Columbia graduate students interested in pursuing research in economics and foreign policy, including globalization. The Geoeconomic Center and Columbia launched the competition this week to select up to six students to serve as associate fellows for one academic year and two summer terms, beginning June 2003.

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“This unparalleled partnership between Columbia University and the world’s premier international affairs forum offers a rare opportunity for our graduate students,” stated Columbia President Lee C. Bollinger. “Columbia always has been and is today committed to addressing the key issues of the time. Columbia has a rich tradition of preparing leaders in every field around the world.”

“We need to create the next generation of foreign policy experts—people literate in and able to research and think about both foreign policy and economics,” said Gelb. “It’s like the old idea of political economy transformed into a modern multi-layered garb.”

The associate fellows will take courses at Columbia both within and outside of their home department, as well as attend seminars at the Council. Students will be assigned a pair of advisors, one drawn from top faculty at Columbia and another from the Council senior fellows. They will also maintain regular contact with additional economic policy specialists as well as private sector leaders in international banking, finance, law and other related fields.

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“This cooperative relationship will enhance certain goals of the Geoeconomic Center by developing a group of individuals that understand the linkage between the geo-political world and the economic world,” said Maurice R. Greenberg, chairman of the Geoeconomic Center’s Advisory Board. “Never in history have the two been more intertwined.” The Council established the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies last year to promote studies and programming in economics and different aspects of foreign policy including traditional national security, country and regional affairs, science and technology, and new agenda issues such as drugs and the environment. Projects currently underway at the Geoeconomic Center include a study on international finance and foreign policy, a book on globalization, and a task force examining the economic and technological factors that affect future Chinese military power.

“This program exemplifies the purposes of a global public policy school, linking rigorous training in economics with serious multidisciplinary research on the most pressing policy issues facing the world today,” said Anderson. “We at SIPA are delighted to be pioneering this effort with the Council on Foreign Relations.”

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The inaugural fellowship program participants will be announced over the coming weeks after a competitive process conducted by a selection committee. The committee is comprised of the acting director of the Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies at the Council, two additional Council fellows, and three Columbia faculty members, including the director of the International Economic Policy Program at SIPA. Any graduate student at Columbia will be eligible to apply, although preference will be given to doctoral students planning to write their dissertation on some aspect of geoeconomics.

Established in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations is a nonpartisan membership organization, publisher, and think tank, dedicated to increasing America’s understanding of the world and contributing ideas to U.S. foreign policy. The Council accomplishes this mainly by promoting constructive debates and discussions, clarifying world issues, and publishing Foreign Affairs, the leading journal on global issues.

Katherine Moore, Columbia University (212) 854-9082
Marie Strauss, Council on Foreign Relations (212) 434-9536


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